Hello Everyone do you interested and looking Coal From Indonesia let's go contact me
Price Update 3 Januari 2020
- ICI 1 INDONESIA (6,500 GAR / 6,200 NAR) $68,24 /MT
- ICI 2 INDONESIA (5,800 GAR / 5,500 NAR) $58,80 /MT
- ICI 3 INDONESIA (5,000 GAR / 4,600 NAR) $49,01 /MT
- ICI 4 INDONESIA (4,200 GAR / 3,800 NAR) $33,77 /MT
- ICI 5 INDONESIA (3,400 GAR / 3,000 NAR) $21,25 /MT
Indonesian Coal Production & Export
Indonesia is one of the largest coal producers and exporters in the world. Since 2005, compilation exceeded Australian production, Indonesia has been the leading exploitation of thermal coal. A significant portion of the thermal coal released consists of the medium quality type (between 5100 and 6100 cal / gram) and the low quality type (below 5100 cal / gram) most of the demand comes from China and India. Based on information provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia's coal reserves are estimated to be exhausted in the next 83 years.
Regarding global coal reserves, Indonesia is currently ranked 9th with a range of 2.2 percent of the total proven global coal reserves based on BP's World Energy Statistics Review. Around 60 percent of Indonesia's total coal reserves consist of cheaper, lower-quality (sub-bituminous) coal which contains less than 6100 cal / gram.
There are many coal reserves available on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua, however the three regions with the largest coal reserves in Indonesia are:
1. South Sumatra
2. South Kalimantan
3. East Kalimantan
What was driving the increase in coal production and exports in Indonesia at that time?
Coal is the dominant power in electricity generation. At least 27 percent of total world energy output and more than 39 percent of all electricity is generated by coal-fired power plants because of the abundance of coal, its extraction process is relatively easy and inexpensive, and infrastructure requirements are cheaper compared to other energy resources.
Indonesia has abundant middle and low quality coal reserves. This type of coal is sold at competitive prices on the international market (partly due to the low wages of Indonesian labor).
Indonesia has a strategic geographical position for the giant markets of developing countries, namely RTT and India. Demand for low-quality coal from the two countries has risen sharply because many new coal-fired power plants have been built to supply the electricity needs of its large population.